The unimaginable has happened.
We have lost our cherished and most beautiful
Christen Herman
who succumbed to a brain aneurysm
on 10 February 2021
after a three-months-long heroic struggle.
March 2021
A beautiful memoryfor Christen’s birthday, March 26th
Christen Herman sings
Christen Herman, mezzo-soprano
What started out as a promising, like-minded musical collaboration became, for each of us, a profound, increasingly and wondrously entwined relationship, as personal involvement, professional experience, and musical adventures accumulated – year upon year – and transformed three separate voices into a perfect triad – eternal sisters, in art and spirit.
Our hearts break at the loss of such a beloved light – as we know the hearts of so many are breaking. We will mourn her loss today and into the days and months ahead – as we know her greater community will also mourn. And we will hold her memory close and fast – ever cherishing our extraordinary friend:
Ever loyal in maintaining her family and friendships
Ever loving in interacting with those in need
Ever generous in sharing her boundless talents
Ever wise in understanding the connections in nature
Ever curious in exploring the planes of existence
Ever fearless in facing her fears
Ever radiant in being Christen
Christen Herman sings
Godi turba mortal, by Cavalieri, 1589
Christen Herman, mezzo-soprano
Nina Treadwell, theorbo
“Rejoice, happy and joyful mortal throng,
Rejoice in such a great gift:
And with song and music
Rest from your toilsome travails.”
In this space, we will continue to celebrate her and her vibrant, virtuosic voice,
with memories from her decades-long collaboration
as a founding – and now, forever – member of Voxfire.